
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

The curses of painful suffering people make helpless needy of others’ doors

Ubqari Magazine - February 2016


Respected Hakeem sahib Asslam O Alikum! I hope you will be fine may you be rewarded abundantly by Allah for your services to humanity through ubqari. Respected Hakeem sahib I am also reading Ubqari from last three years and I like this digest very much. Now I am going tell the story of my friend as she told me, this is based on as you so, and so shall you reap. I belong to a middle class family and our family is very complex every person is mean and egoistic, except my mother and my brothers. If our family environment is not good today it’s only because my father does not know that how should the ring his children up and how to make the environment well. Our life has become teasing.  We do not have anything to eat, we 4 sisters are young and my father is senseless about this. My mother is getting old because of tension. He does not talk in good manner to us and our mother as well. If we say or suggest something then how we are treated I feel ashamed to write here.

We are not given any rights. We were well before financially. Sometimes ago our father started a business by getting loan on the base of interest from other people. We did not know that. Whenever we talk he uses to brag and say that my business is so vast and many people are my workers. My father did not allow my mother to say anything to him or she gives her opinion, then my father went for Ummra when he returned the business was ruined. He had to face a big loss. then gradually people started to cone to our door to get their money back, my father couldn't face them because he was afraid of them actually, he was not able to stop them to come home by convincing them. Somehow after Jirga, he returned their money but less he deprives them and eats their money. There was a widow and an orphan girl in those who had given money as loan to my father. But my father did not listen to them as well and did jirga and end this with unjust ways. Now those people and that widow and orphan girl are cursing us. But he did not feel it even for a second. Now whatever we are facing it is the result of their bad wishes for us. I still remember the words and bad wish of that orphan and the widow as they said crying and standing on at our door same is happening with us. We are falling down and there is disrespect, poverty for us with every passing day. One loyal friend of my father suggested him to go to those people and apologize because your  circumstances are getting worse day by worse because o their curses, but my father is not agree to do so, and those who suggested this they have disrespected him a lot and put allegation of many types on him.   I am telling the truth that I am sick of this shallow, egoistic and superficial luster and mean environment of my family. I am unable to reform my society.  I can't understand that we suffer when they commit mistakes. After those curses my father tried many other businesses but he did not get success he was in loss. If there comes any profit in that business then something such happens that all the money we need to spend on that and my father remains empty handed. I am sure that this all is due to those curses from widows, orphans, and poor that we could not achieve any progress until now, we work hard in studies also but we are behind of all.

Some days ago my brother went through a severe accident, and his leg is fractured. Nothing is   going well with us. Financially we are so, even now if we suggest something to him we are made silent by taunting and using ill word by him and they will say the things which are out o our senses. Sometimes I really want to go away from this house. But what can I do? Respected Hakeem sahib I have so many things to write if start writing then they may not come to an end and if it will be morning to night. Hazrat Hakeem sahib I want o just ask one thing which is the essence of my story also, our circumstances which are going worse day by day and not going towards success, every time there remains quarrel in our house, not feeling happy, restlessness, diseases, having no spirituality in prayer, sudden coming of bad luck as it seems good luck, etc, etc is this the result of the curses of people in which there were widows and orphans and their money is eaten by my father. Hazrat Hakeem sahib their children are also curse us. Now heart cries and we do not have the strength to bear more. If it is all due to their curses then how can we get over it and how should we make our father understand because they do not listen to anybody. And he is not ready to accept his to wrong doing. Why we bear the result if they commit the sin, why should we bear the punishment when they do wrong. Why, why and why??? 

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